Tatsuro Yokoyama

Pianist / Composer



在学中より、即興演奏に興味を持ちライブハウスなどで活動を行い、演劇への楽曲提供を機に作曲活動を開始する。  ポーランドにてクラシック音楽のみならず自作曲の演奏活動を開始し、同地にてソロピアノのCDを制作する。 同時期、月刊誌ショパン(ハンナ社) 宮崎日日新聞(宮崎日日新聞社)へ、エッセイの寄稿を行う。  帰国後、駐日ポーランド大使館にて催された日本とポーランドの国交復興60周年の式典に招待され自作曲をピアノで演奏し好評を博す。 現在は宮崎、東京、ポーランドを拠点に演奏と作曲活動を行い、CMやテレビ番組等の楽曲提供のみならず、他ジャンルのアーティストと音楽で携わり続ける。 2022年、nagi label を立ち上げ、「音楽と共に平穏を」コンセプトに、音楽に関わるプロダクトの制作やライブやコンサートの企画を展開をしている。



Tatsuro Yokoyama

Born in 1989, Miyazaki, Japan. Graduated from Musashino Academia Musicae faculty of piano performance in Japan. Completed postgraduate studies at the Chopin University of Music, Poland.   While in college, he got interested in improvisation and started playing his music at live music clubs. With composing songs for a stage as an opportunity, he started musical composition.  He started playing his own music besides classical music and made the solo piano CD in Poland. In that same period, he wrote essays for “Chopin Magazine” published by Hanna Inc, and “Miyazaki News Paper.” After returning to Japan, he was invited for the ceremony of the 60th anniversary of restoration of diplomatic relations between Poland and Japan. He played his own pieces at Embassy of The Republic of Poland in Tokyo. He currently has been performing in Miyazaki, Tokyo, and Poland. He has a wide range of works such as composing songs for TV programs and commercials and writing for a music magazine.

From 2022, he launched the label “nagi label” which offers making music-related products and planning live concerts from his own point of view.

The concept of the label is “calmness with the music.”